Energy Consumption

Since 2009, we have measured 100% of greenhouse gas emissions from our activities all over the world to reduce our carbon footprint.

We have set global goals for the 2030 milestone that have been verified by the Science Based Target initiative and are aligned with their scenarios. Our commitment is to reduce scopes 1 and 2 by 2030 by 32%, using 2009 as a baseline.

Energy consumption2009 (base year)2020202120222023
Fossil fuel consumption from mobile sources and stationary sources (MWh)1,229,6161,061,016919,582810,602727,510
Electricity consumption from non-renewable sources (MWh)334,71389,60266,05969,54954,872
Electricity consumption derived from renewable sources (MWh)7,990167,890162,131138,383119,504

What is energy consumption?

Energy consumption is fossil fuel consumption from fixed or mobile sources or electrical consumption owned or controlled by the company.

This consumption mainly comes from:

  • Fuel combustion at fixed points: This includes fixed equipment such as generator sets, boilers, furnaces, burners, turbines, heaters, incinerators, engines, flamers, etc. that use fossil fuels to generate heat, electricity, or steam or are used for a company process. Machinery used in construction is included in this group.
  • Combustion of fuels in vehicles: From the combustion of fuels in vehicles and motorcycles managed by the company.
  • Electricity consumption: Consumption of electricity purchased from other companies that produce or control it. Electricity consumption may be from fossil fuels (oil, carbon, or natural gas) or natural sources (solar, wind, or tidal power).

Ferrovial promotes awareness and training in quality, environment and energy among its employees and collaborators, with the aim of improving their performance and capabilities. In 2023, training activities focused on waste management, climate change (energy efficiency measures), water footprint, pollution and biodiversity.

In Ferrovial Construction, more than 14,000 workers have received specific training in these areas. Specifically, more than 12,500 employees (more than 800 hours of training) have been trained both internally and externally on energy efficiency in 2023. Ferrovial also has international energy efficiency certification (ISO 50001) for 69% of its contracts.