Each project and asset is legally independent and has its own managers.
Customer and User Experience
Within the social area of our sustainability commitments, offering our customers and users the highest levels of quality is one of our top priorities. Thanks to the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) model, we have been able to establish a level of excellence in managing each and every key aspect that affects user and customer experiences.
Customer and User Satisfaction
Each of our business areas carries out periodic surveys on customer expectations and satisfaction (all individuals that interact directly or indirectly with our services and/or infrastructures, but that do not have a contractual relationship with us). We also measure other service indicators to get a more complete view of user experiences. We have a target of obtaining a satisfaction score of more than 4 out of 5, achieving a 4.2 in 2023.
All Ferrovial companies have internal procedures to detect, record and monitor customer and user complaints. We analyze customer requests, offer an appropriate response and define improvement measures.
User Satisfaction With Transportation Infrastructures
At our subsidiary Cintra, the goal is to transform our highway customers and users into one of the strategic pillars of our concession business. We are working hard to standardize the methods we use to measure satisfaction and the metrics we use to generate indicators in all the concessions we manage.
Quality and Environmental Systems
We have numerous quality and environmental systems in place to manage contracts in our different business departments. These systems are certified according to ISO 9001 and 14001 standards, although they may vary based on local requirements. In the last fiscal year (2023), 86% of our activity was certified by ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 quality and environmental standards.
We have two corporate apps that serve as a repository for laws and technical standards: Normateca, which guarantees legal compliance throughout contract life cycles and includes a digital platform that compiles all applicable environmental requirements of every country we operate in. With the assistance of this app, we are able to comply with all environmental requirements, including those related with atmospheric, noise and light pollution.
In addition, we have other certifications in compliance with other regulations, such as standard ISAE 3410 on “Assurance Engagements on GHG Statements”; IISO 50001, 27001, 10002, 45001; UNE (Spanish Association for Standardization) 19601, 166002; UNE-EN ISO 37001; and EMAS, SGE (Ethical and Socially Responsible) 21.
Ferrovial Construction BIM Verification
At our construction subsidiary Ferrovial Construction, we have the BIM Verification (granted by the British Standards Institution) in Spain, Portugal, the United Kingdom and Australia. This certifies our ability to manage projects in the construction phase using the Building Information Modelling (BIM) methodology according to standard PAS 1192-2 (recently replaced by ISO 19650).
The BIM methodology entails the digitalization of construction processes and procedures to increase information management efficiency during the infrastructure construction phase. With the use of virtual models and a collaborative work methodology, we have found that implementing BIM is very beneficial when compared with traditional construction processes.
During the British Standards Institution certification process, the quality and consistency of our training program to implement this work methodology were highlighted. This is another sign of our commitment to innovation in processes and procedures.