Code of Ethics and Business Conduct

Our Code of Ethics and Business Conduct sets out the basic principles that should guide the behavior of Ferrovial ́s group companies, including all of its employees, directors and executives:

  • Compliance with the Law: The activities of Ferrovial shall be conducted in strict compliance with the applicable law and regulations in force at all times.
  • Respect for Human Rights: All actions carried out by Ferrovial and its employees shall comply strictly with the human rights included in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Ferrovial’s Human Rights Policy is aligned with international principles and standards.
  • Integrity: The business and professional activities of Ferrovial and its employees shall be based on integrity, honesty, preventing corruption of any kind, and maintaining respect for the individual circumstances and needs of every person involved.

Download full document of Code of Ethics and Business Conduct download link

Suppliers’ Code of Ethics 

The Code of Ethics for Suppliers establishes the basic principles that should govern the actions of suppliers in their commercial relationship with Ferrovial.

We demand from our suppliers Zero Tolerance towards any act that may be considered corruption or bribery of any kind and require strict compliance with the anti-corruption legislation applicable at all times in the countries in which we operate.

We promote and expect these principles will be shared by our suppliers, who will assume them and, in turn, transfer them to their own suppliers and subcontractors in their commercial relationships with the Ferrovial.

Download the Code of Ethics for Suppliers download link