1. Ferrovial
  2. Sustainability
  3. Environment
  4. Carbon Footprint

Reducing Emissions

All companies should focus on reducing their greenhouse gas emissions.

Greenhouse gas emissions are seen at all levels of industry, not only in the production of goods and the implementation of services, but also in all the indirect activities needed to add value for the end client. With the goal of achieving a decarbonized economy, we follow a series of guidelines published in the 2030 Agenda to reduce emissions.

Measuring and Reducing Emissions

The first step to controlling and reducing CO2 emissions consists of measuring our carbon footprint. Since 2009, we have been auditing 100% of our greenhouse gas emissions and dividing them into two categories: those that come from our activity (Scope 1 and 2) and those that come from the value chain (Scope 3).

This division allows us to establish different objectives for each activity. Our greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction objectives for our operations (Scope 1 and 2) have been approved by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi), which is in line with science. Our objective for Scope 3 GHGs complies with SBTi criteria, in line with the best current practices.

Ferrovial, with the purpose of being more ambitious with climate commitment, is working on reviewing the decarbonization plan to make it more ambitious, both in its reduction objectives and in the compensation strategy. Ferrovial has therefore made the commitment for the net-zero commitment at Science Based Target iniciative.

2030 Plan

We have committed to reducing the emissions of Scopes 1 and 2 by 32% by 2030, using 2009 as our base year. This is equivalent to reducing emissions by 42.9% for every one million euros of revenue. We also undertake to reduce Scope 3 emissions by 20% by 2030, using 2012 as our base year.

Since 2009 we have reduced our Scope 1 and 2 absolute emissions by 45,58%, more than the established objective for 2023. In absolute terms, we have reduced our Scope 3 by 28.9%, also surpassing the 2023 target. According to our estimations, in 2023 we have prevented the emission of almost 686,017 tCO2e into the atmosphere. We will continue forward with these valuable efforts that place us on the most prestigious sustainability indexes year after year.

Emission Evolution

BY BUSINESS2009 (base-year)2020202120222023
TOTAL (tCO2e)601,893504,662476,692461,156327,574
TOTAL (without taking into account UK disinvestment) (tCO2e)401,926

Avoided Emissions

Avoided emissions (tCO2e)2009202120222023
Purchase of renewable electricity4,81338,01036,95237,057
By the capture of biogas in water treatment plants0553,059529,337518,353
By energy generation in water treatment plants18,60352,43529,32629,625
By triage activity0168,505169,067100,982

Learn More About Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Emissions 1 and 2
Emissions 3
Emissions biogenic CO2
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