International Cooperation

What is international cooperation?

International cooperation encompasses various activities, such as the support provided by two or more agents in the international arena with the aim of promoting economic or social development. These agents may be the governments of different countries, companies committed to their environments, NGOs, etc.

What is international development cooperation?

International development cooperation is a set of activities that provide tools and opportunities for growth to people and territories in vulnerable situations. These activities are included in development cooperation programs and plans carried out through different countries’ cooperation agencies, along with various entities like foundations and NGOs.

What does the Law on International Legal Cooperation entail?

This law regulates international legal cooperation between Spanish and foreign authorities in civil and commercial matters. Given the complex framework of existing international relations, with numerous international treaties and agreements in effect, and many provisions by the European Union, an internal law on international legal cooperation must be subsidiary in nature. Even so, the concept of international legal cooperation is used quite broadly in this law, which makes it possible to include matters that have traditionally been regulated by other regulatory bodies.

What is AECID?

AECID, the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation, is the leading management body for Spanish Cooperation. It aims to fight poverty and support sustainable human development. It is affiliated with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation through the Secretary of State for International Cooperation.

Its priorities include promoting development and balance in international relations, preventing emergency situations and providing assistance during these, promoting democracy, and encouraging relations with the countries where it acts cooperatively.

What role do NGOs play in international cooperation?

NGO stands for Non-Governmental Organization. An NGO can be defined as an entity with a social initiative and humanitarian aims that is independent of the public administration and not for profit. These institutions carry out a wide range of aid, both locally and internationally, with collaboration solely from volunteers or through hiring professionals and specialists.

Companies and institutions that are committed to international cooperation

In addition to the international cooperation work carried out by governments, state agencies, and NGOs, there is also that done by companies and institutions committed to sustainable development. These include the international cooperation program of the University of Malaga (UMA) and Ferrovial’s Social Infrastructures program.

The UMA International Cooperation program allows students from the university to participate in cooperation projects by offering scholarships for travel and organizing training proposals for volunteers.

Ferrovial’s Social Infrastructures program – which has been active since 2008 and was awarded in 2010 by the European Commission – is a development cooperation program whose goal is building, restoring, and improving water and sanitation infrastructure in Africa and Latin America. This program not only offers support (to partner NGOs) and funding: it also offers technical assistance, technology, and the participation of company specialists through corporate volunteering.

Fun facts about international cooperation

  • One of the key milestones in international cooperation was the founding of the United Nations (UN) at the end of World War II. The UN was created with the main goal of mutual cooperation between its member countries in order to find solutions to humanity’s most significant problems.
  • In 2015, the UN approved the 2030 Agenda, with 17 Sustainable Development Goals ranging from eradicating poverty to combating climate change, encouraging education, supporting equality for women, and defending the environment. To achieve this, adopting various international cooperation agreements will be necessary.
  • September 8 is the World Day of Cooperating.
  • The most common demographic among volunteers in international cooperation in Spain is women over 35.