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Airport security
¿What is the airport security?
Airport security refers to the human and material techniques used to protect passengers and staff, aircraft, and airport property from unlawful interference, which includes accidental or malicious harm, crime, and other threats.
What technologic equipments are used for airport security?
Technology is continually being developed and used at airports to aid with security measures. A relatively new technology at U.S. airports and at London’s Heathrow airport is Computed Tomography (CT), which is used to x-ray carry-on baggage.
The technology is similar to the CT used in the medical field. The airport’s CT technology creates a 3-D image that can be viewed and rotated 360 degrees in order to detect explosives and other dangerous objects.
The advantage of CT technology is that it can detect explosives and liquids inside a bag. This allows passengers to keep their electronic devices and 3-1-1 liquids inside their carry-on bags when going through screening.
Many airports around the world are currently testing this technology. In the U.K. for example, the government is requiring all major airports to incorporate the new CT scanners by the end of 2022.
Another technology airports are interested in is biometrics, especially when related to identity checks. Many airports are evaluating the impacts of using passengers’ biometrics, particularly facial recognition, to verify their identities and get rid of manual ID checks.
Facial recognition would identify passengers starting at check-in via self-service kiosks, through TSA checkpoints, boarding, and even clearing Customs and Border Patrol.
In the U.S., passenger ́ participation in TSA’s biometrics technology tests is voluntary. Should they not want to participate, passengers can choose a manual check.
Airports are hoping that all this technology will reduce the time it takes passengers to get from the entrance door of the airport to their seats on the plane without sacrificing safety and time.