1. Ferrovial
  2. Investors

Transactions carried out by Ferrovial, S.A. under its share buy-back programme between 4 and 10 August 2016


Published on 08/11/2016

Buy-back programmes, stabilisation and treasury stock

Pursuant to the Consolidated Text of the Spanish Securities Market Act (Texto Refundido de la Ley del Mercado de Valores), FERROVIAL, S.A. (the “Company” or “FERROVIAL”) communicates the following:

Reference is made to our communication of 23 May 2016 (registration number 238,968) relating to the buy-back programme of Company’s own shares approved on that said date by the Executive Committee of FERROVIAL in accordance with the provisions of the Regulation (EU) Nº 596/2014, of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 16 April 2014, on market abuse, and the Commission Delegated Regulation (UE) 2016/1052, of 8 March 2016, and under the authorisation granted by the Ordinary General Shareholders Meeting of the Company held on 4 May 2016, under item eight of the agenda (the “Buy-Back Programme”).

Between 4 and 10 August 2016, the Company has carried out the following transactions over its own shares under the Buy-back Programme:

Date Security Transaction No. of securities Weighted Average Price (€)
04/08/2016 FER.MC Acquisition 250,000 17.767
05/08/2016 FER.MC Acquisition 115,000 17.566
08/08/2016 FER.MC Acquisition 30,000 17.708
09/08/2016 FER.MC Acquisition 32,000 17.718
10/08/2016 FER.MC Acquisition 31,000 17.790

This information is provided to you for the appropriate purposes.

Detail of the operations carried-out during this period is attached as an Annex.

Madrid, 11 August 2016

Santiago Ortiz Vaamonde

Secretary of the Board of Directors of Ferrovial, S.A.


English translation for information purposes only. In the event of discrepancies between the English and the Spanish version, the Spanish version shall prevail.



Detail of the operations carried-out during the period between 4 and 10 August 2016:

Session Date Acquisition/Sale Security Securities Price (€) Broker
04/08/2016 Acquisition FER 198 17.655 Goldman Sachs International
04/08/2016 Acquisition FER 919 17.660 Goldman Sachs International
04/08/2016 Acquisition FER 1,574 17.665 Goldman Sachs International
04/08/2016 Acquisition FER 1,171 17.670 Goldman Sachs International
04/08/2016 Acquisition FER 6,280 17.675 Goldman Sachs International
04/08/2016 Acquisition FER 15,104 17.680 Goldman Sachs International
04/08/2016 Acquisition FER 18,253 17.685 Goldman Sachs International
04/08/2016 Acquisition FER 22,263 17.690 Goldman Sachs International
04/08/2016 Acquisition FER 20,550 17.695 Goldman Sachs International
04/08/2016 Acquisition FER 38,718 17.700 Goldman Sachs International
04/08/2016 Acquisition FER 12,633 17.705 Goldman Sachs International
04/08/2016 Acquisition FER 6,553 17.710 Goldman Sachs International
04/08/2016 Acquisition FER 1,322 17.715 Goldman Sachs International
04/08/2016 Acquisition FER 1,500 17.720 Goldman Sachs International
04/08/2016 Acquisition FER 3,264 17.725 Goldman Sachs International
04/08/2016 Acquisition FER 1,491 17.730 Goldman Sachs International
04/08/2016 Acquisition FER 3,463 17.735 Goldman Sachs International
04/08/2016 Acquisition FER 2,418 17.740 Goldman Sachs International
04/08/2016 Acquisition FER 1,500 17.745 Goldman Sachs International
04/08/2016 Acquisition FER 3,000 17.750 Goldman Sachs International
04/08/2016 Acquisition FER 1,500 17.760 Goldman Sachs International
04/08/2016 Acquisition FER 1,500 17.775 Goldman Sachs International
04/08/2016 Acquisition FER 4,393 17.790 Goldman Sachs International
04/08/2016 Acquisition FER 1,500 17.795 Goldman Sachs International
04/08/2016 Acquisition FER 4,418 17.800 Goldman Sachs International
04/08/2016 Acquisition FER 5,137 17.805 Goldman Sachs International
04/08/2016 Acquisition FER 1,623 17.810 Goldman Sachs International
04/08/2016 Acquisition FER 300 17.815 Goldman Sachs International
04/08/2016 Acquisition FER 940 17.820 Goldman Sachs International
04/08/2016 Acquisition FER 3,344 17.825 Goldman Sachs International
04/08/2016 Acquisition FER 4,318 17.830 Goldman Sachs International
04/08/2016 Acquisition FER 3,000 17.835 Goldman Sachs International
04/08/2016 Acquisition FER 946 17.840 Goldman Sachs International
04/08/2016 Acquisition FER 4,294 17.845 Goldman Sachs International
04/08/2016 Acquisition FER 2,973 17.850 Goldman Sachs International
04/08/2016 Acquisition FER 122 17.855 Goldman Sachs International
04/08/2016 Acquisition FER 1,080 17.860 Goldman Sachs International
04/08/2016 Acquisition FER 1,543 17.865 Goldman Sachs International
04/08/2016 Acquisition FER 2,888 17.880 Goldman Sachs International
04/08/2016 Acquisition FER 200 17.885 Goldman Sachs International
04/08/2016 Acquisition FER 1,500 17.900 Goldman Sachs International
04/08/2016 Acquisition FER 1,500 17.905 Goldman Sachs International
04/08/2016 Acquisition FER 1,123 17.915 Goldman Sachs International
04/08/2016 Acquisition FER 363 17.920 Goldman Sachs International
04/08/2016 Acquisition FER 512 17.925 Goldman Sachs International
04/08/2016 Acquisition FER 1,393 17.935 Goldman Sachs International
04/08/2016 Acquisition FER 1,500 17.940 Goldman Sachs International
04/08/2016 Acquisition FER 1,385 17.945 Goldman Sachs International
04/08/2016 Acquisition FER 1,499 17.955 Goldman Sachs International
04/08/2016 Acquisition FER 1,596 17.960 Goldman Sachs International
04/08/2016 Acquisition FER 1,187 17.970 Goldman Sachs International
04/08/2016 Acquisition FER 748 17.975 Goldman Sachs International
04/08/2016 Acquisition FER 5,191 17.980 Goldman Sachs International
04/08/2016 Acquisition FER 5,268 17.985 Goldman Sachs International
04/08/2016 Acquisition FER 2,321 17.990 Goldman Sachs International
04/08/2016 Acquisition FER 6,658 18.000 Goldman Sachs International
04/08/2016 Acquisition FER 1,542 18.005 Goldman Sachs International
04/08/2016 Acquisition FER 468 18.010 Goldman Sachs International
04/08/2016 Acquisition FER 439 18.015 Goldman Sachs International
04/08/2016 Acquisition FER 3,000 18.020 Goldman Sachs International
04/08/2016 Acquisition FER 316 18.040 Goldman Sachs International
04/08/2016 Acquisition FER 427 18.045 Goldman Sachs International
04/08/2016 Acquisition FER 1,620 18.050 Goldman Sachs International
04/08/2016 Acquisition FER 251 18.055 Goldman Sachs International
05/08/2016 Acquisition FER 1,495 17.500 Goldman Sachs International
05/08/2016 Acquisition FER 69 17.510 Goldman Sachs International
05/08/2016 Acquisition FER 1,042 17.515 Goldman Sachs International
05/08/2016 Acquisition FER 16,562 17.520 Goldman Sachs International
05/08/2016 Acquisition FER 13,167 17.525 Goldman Sachs International
05/08/2016 Acquisition FER 18,101 17.530 Goldman Sachs International
05/08/2016 Acquisition FER 10,127 17.535 Goldman Sachs International
05/08/2016 Acquisition FER 368 17.540 Goldman Sachs International
05/08/2016 Acquisition FER 2,976 17.545 Goldman Sachs International
05/08/2016 Acquisition FER 3,683 17.550 Goldman Sachs International
05/08/2016 Acquisition FER 2,032 17.555 Goldman Sachs International
05/08/2016 Acquisition FER 2,990 17.560 Goldman Sachs International
05/08/2016 Acquisition FER 4,237 17.565 Goldman Sachs International
05/08/2016 Acquisition FER 2,978 17.570 Goldman Sachs International
05/08/2016 Acquisition FER 1,489 17.575 Goldman Sachs International
05/08/2016 Acquisition FER 1,487 17.580 Goldman Sachs International
05/08/2016 Acquisition FER 1,454 17.590 Goldman Sachs International
05/08/2016 Acquisition FER 2,788 17.595 Goldman Sachs International
05/08/2016 Acquisition FER 2,990 17.600 Goldman Sachs International
05/08/2016 Acquisition FER 2,990 17.610 Goldman Sachs International
05/08/2016 Acquisition FER 2,884 17.615 Goldman Sachs International
05/08/2016 Acquisition FER 1,357 17.620 Goldman Sachs International
05/08/2016 Acquisition FER 2,084 17.625 Goldman Sachs International
05/08/2016 Acquisition FER 1,495 17.635 Goldman Sachs International
05/08/2016 Acquisition FER 1,747 17.640 Goldman Sachs International
05/08/2016 Acquisition FER 1,190 17.665 Goldman Sachs International
05/08/2016 Acquisition FER 2,926 17.670 Goldman Sachs International
05/08/2016 Acquisition FER 527 17.685 Goldman Sachs International
05/08/2016 Acquisition FER 634 17.690 Goldman Sachs International
05/08/2016 Acquisition FER 1,293 17.700 Goldman Sachs International
05/08/2016 Acquisition FER 1,529 17.710 Goldman Sachs International
05/08/2016 Acquisition FER 1,336 17.715 Goldman Sachs International
05/08/2016 Acquisition FER 700 17.720 Goldman Sachs International
05/08/2016 Acquisition FER 537 17.730 Goldman Sachs International
05/08/2016 Acquisition FER 1,052 17.735 Goldman Sachs International
05/08/2016 Acquisition FER 684 17.750 Goldman Sachs International
08/08/2016 Acquisition FER 871 17.570 Goldman Sachs International
08/08/2016 Acquisition FER 2,297 17.605 Goldman Sachs International
08/08/2016 Acquisition FER 403 17.610 Goldman Sachs International
08/08/2016 Acquisition FER 1,232 17.615 Goldman Sachs International
08/08/2016 Acquisition FER 1,560 17.620 Goldman Sachs International
08/08/2016 Acquisition FER 776 17.625 Goldman Sachs International
08/08/2016 Acquisition FER 1,246 17.630 Goldman Sachs International
08/08/2016 Acquisition FER 463 17.635 Goldman Sachs International
08/08/2016 Acquisition FER 829 17.660 Goldman Sachs International
08/08/2016 Acquisition FER 841 17.665 Goldman Sachs International
08/08/2016 Acquisition FER 1,561 17.680 Goldman Sachs International
08/08/2016 Acquisition FER 833 17.690 Goldman Sachs International
08/08/2016 Acquisition FER 725 17.715 Goldman Sachs International
08/08/2016 Acquisition FER 1,508 17.730 Goldman Sachs International
08/08/2016 Acquisition FER 403 17.735 Goldman Sachs International
08/08/2016 Acquisition FER 3,169 17.740 Goldman Sachs International
08/08/2016 Acquisition FER 2,035 17.745 Goldman Sachs International
08/08/2016 Acquisition FER 753 17.750 Goldman Sachs International
08/08/2016 Acquisition FER 1,152 17.755 Goldman Sachs International
08/08/2016 Acquisition FER 1,565 17.785 Goldman Sachs International
08/08/2016 Acquisition FER 312 17.790 Goldman Sachs International
08/08/2016 Acquisition FER 2,399 17.795 Goldman Sachs International
08/08/2016 Acquisition FER 911 17.800 Goldman Sachs International
08/08/2016 Acquisition FER 1,589 17.805 Goldman Sachs International
08/08/2016 Acquisition FER 567 17.810 Goldman Sachs International
09/08/2016 Acquisition FER 689 17.580 Goldman Sachs International
09/08/2016 Acquisition FER 427 17.585 Goldman Sachs International
09/08/2016 Acquisition FER 356 17.590 Goldman Sachs International
09/08/2016 Acquisition FER 959 17.595 Goldman Sachs International
09/08/2016 Acquisition FER 1,695 17.600 Goldman Sachs International
09/08/2016 Acquisition FER 283 17.625 Goldman Sachs International
09/08/2016 Acquisition FER 176 17.630 Goldman Sachs International
09/08/2016 Acquisition FER 565 17.640 Goldman Sachs International
09/08/2016 Acquisition FER 1,456 17.645 Goldman Sachs International
09/08/2016 Acquisition FER 1,867 17.650 Goldman Sachs International
09/08/2016 Acquisition FER 895 17.655 Goldman Sachs International
09/08/2016 Acquisition FER 1,998 17.660 Goldman Sachs International
09/08/2016 Acquisition FER 585 17.665 Goldman Sachs International
09/08/2016 Acquisition FER 1,627 17.670 Goldman Sachs International
09/08/2016 Acquisition FER 516 17.675 Goldman Sachs International
09/08/2016 Acquisition FER 789 17.685 Goldman Sachs International
09/08/2016 Acquisition FER 400 17.690 Goldman Sachs International
09/08/2016 Acquisition FER 421 17.715 Goldman Sachs International
09/08/2016 Acquisition FER 693 17.720 Goldman Sachs International
09/08/2016 Acquisition FER 340 17.725 Goldman Sachs International
09/08/2016 Acquisition FER 802 17.730 Goldman Sachs International
09/08/2016 Acquisition FER 300 17.750 Goldman Sachs International
09/08/2016 Acquisition FER 1,204 17.755 Goldman Sachs International
09/08/2016 Acquisition FER 2,629 17.760 Goldman Sachs International
09/08/2016 Acquisition FER 498 17.775 Goldman Sachs International
09/08/2016 Acquisition FER 281 17.780 Goldman Sachs International
09/08/2016 Acquisition FER 2,375 17.785 Goldman Sachs International
09/08/2016 Acquisition FER 1,735 17.790 Goldman Sachs International
09/08/2016 Acquisition FER 1,100 17.805 Goldman Sachs International
09/08/2016 Acquisition FER 1,319 17.830 Goldman Sachs International
09/08/2016 Acquisition FER 1,293 17.855 Goldman Sachs International
09/08/2016 Acquisition FER 1,402 17.860 Goldman Sachs International
09/08/2016 Acquisition FER 226 17.910 Goldman Sachs International
09/08/2016 Acquisition FER 99 17.915 Goldman Sachs International
10/08/2016 Acquisition FER 938 17.740 Goldman Sachs International
10/08/2016 Acquisition FER 658 17.745 Goldman Sachs International
10/08/2016 Acquisition FER 3,242 17.750 Goldman Sachs International
10/08/2016 Acquisition FER 2,749 17.755 Goldman Sachs International
10/08/2016 Acquisition FER 3,593 17.760 Goldman Sachs International
10/08/2016 Acquisition FER 4,204 17.765 Goldman Sachs International
10/08/2016 Acquisition FER 1,018 17.770 Goldman Sachs International
10/08/2016 Acquisition FER 2,474 17.775 Goldman Sachs International
10/08/2016 Acquisition FER 2,220 17.780 Goldman Sachs International
10/08/2016 Acquisition FER 1,138 17.785 Goldman Sachs International
10/08/2016 Acquisition FER 644 17.790 Goldman Sachs International
10/08/2016 Acquisition FER 722 17.800 Goldman Sachs International
10/08/2016 Acquisition FER 10 17.805 Goldman Sachs International
10/08/2016 Acquisition FER 6 17.815 Goldman Sachs International
10/08/2016 Acquisition FER 302 17.825 Goldman Sachs International
10/08/2016 Acquisition FER 630 17.850 Goldman Sachs International
10/08/2016 Acquisition FER 796 17.855 Goldman Sachs International
10/08/2016 Acquisition FER 987 17.860 Goldman Sachs International
10/08/2016 Acquisition FER 1,078 17.870 Goldman Sachs International
10/08/2016 Acquisition FER 1,097 17.875 Goldman Sachs International
10/08/2016 Acquisition FER 917 17.880 Goldman Sachs International
10/08/2016 Acquisition FER 1,069 17.885 Goldman Sachs International
10/08/2016 Acquisition FER 508 17.895 Goldman Sachs International


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