One of our priorities is being prepared for the future to come by asking “What if…?”

We are aware that no one can predict the future. But we can work to be alert and increase our awareness about surroundings that are increasingly volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous (VUCA), producing disruptive events with a higher frequency and greater impact and rapidly developing connections between one another, work networks and business models. For that reason, one of our objectives is to detect and understand those disruptions at the moment they occur, in order to be prepared for the future with a clear, specific development road map starting in year 0.

We have the help of tools such as scenario planning, which is used for medium- and long-term planning and analysis. The purpose is to anticipate which plausible futures may be emerging, based on the changing environment and society’s new expectations, for the purpose of taking advantage of opportunities and detecting threats and risks in advance. The activity creates a debate that helps us question existing assumptions and allows us to recognize signs of change.

What if…? creates future scenarios that allow for rigorous consideration of key enablers, characteristics and potential consequences. The major benefits of this vision are:

  • Never underestimating uncertainty, which can allow new opportunities to pass us by.
  • Confront emerging threats on time.
  • Gain maneuverability and adaptation facing the future.