Each project and asset is legally independent and has its own managers.
Committed to Sustainability in Cadagua
Our work stems from the context of society’s growing commitment to the conservation of our natural resources. With this commitment, we must show that we can achieve a high level of quality in the activities we carry out and a high level of environmental protection within the framework of sustainable development, thus achieving more respectful use of the natural environment that surrounds us, meeting current needs without abandoning the potential for future needs.
We are committed to reducing the environmental impact of the activities we perform, maintaining a preventive approach that protects the environment by:
- Developing and operating sustainable infrastructures.
- Committing to the highest levels of operational excellence and innovation.
- Creating value for the company and for our clients, investors, and employees.
System Certifications

Integrated Management System
Our Integrated Quality, Environment, Energy, and R&D&I System brings together the requirements that are managed in common. This way, we can use the company’s synergies to our advantage by optimizing both human and technical costs and resources. The System is in compliance with international standards UNE-EN ISO 9001, UNE-EN ISO 14001, and UNE-EN ISO 50001, and Spanish standard UNE 166002, regarding quality, environment, energy, and R&D&I respectively.
This System, which is predominantly preventive in nature, is based on a systematic control of the activities that we offer and that may affect quality, the environment, energy, and R&D&I:
- Design, Construction, Assembly, and Servicing of Water Treatment and Thermal Drying Stations for Biosolids.
- Maintenance, Conservation, and Use of Water Treatment and Thermal Drying Stations for Biosolids.
- Quality Control for Waters Suitable for Human Consumption and for wastewater and industrial water.
- R&D&I in hydrology for water quality, and environmental engineering and technology for wastewater, water regeneration, drinking water, and desalination.
The System is based on our Quality, Environment, and Energy Policy and our R&D&I Policy, which explain the commitments we’ve made to sustainable development, environmental protection, improving energy efficiency, and development, and they ensure reaching our goal of continuous improvement and customer satisfaction.
At Cadagua, we contribute to the conservation of natural resources through the environmental integration of our activities: designing, building, and operating sustainable plants.
The requirements derived from our Integrated Quality, Environment, Energy, and R&D&I System are the best guarantee we can offer our Clients, Administration, and the Company regarding our commitment to sustainable evolution. To this end, we provide support in the engineering, construction, and operation of infrastructures for water and waste management, and we foster innovation in the development of new technologies applicable to protecting the environment and preventing pollution.
We strive to prevent waste generation, where the landfill is the last alternative; we aim to encourage reuse and recycling as much as possible. Waste management must always be done while ensuring environmental protection, and to this end, the best available technologies that economically feasible are employed.
In our commitment to improving environmental management, we went one step further by implementing and verifying the environmental management system at the Valdelentisco Desalination Plan per Regulation (EC) No. 1221/2009, on the voluntary participation by organizations in a Community eco-management and audit scheme (EMAS), and Regulation (EU) No 2017/1505, which encompasses the highest level of environmental requirements at the European level; it was the first desalination plant in Europe to achieve this.
Subsequently, in continued adherence to this commitment, this environmental management system was implemented at the Aguilas-Guadalentín Desalination Plant. To comply with the EMAS requirement regarding public accessibility of the information contained in the Environmental Declaration, the confirmed Environmental Declaration of the Aguilas-Guadalentín Desalination Plant may be found below.
Carbon Footprint
We respond to the challenges and opportunities that climate change presents in the short, medium, and long term. Since 2009, we have measured 100% of greenhouse gas emissions from our activities in order to reduce the carbon footprint. We set objectives in this regard, and every year, our emissions are lower than the previous year.
The steps we have created and implemented for lowering greenhouse gas emissions, both specifically and generally, include:
- The incorporation of energy efficiency criteria in purchasing and outsourcing services.
- A sustainable mobility strategy for company employees.
- Improved energy efficiency among vehicle fleets for both industrial and passenger cars, and training programs to foster efficient driving.
- The use of less polluting fuels.
- Improved technology and operational processes to optimize the emissions prevented.
- Boosting the purchase of electricity from renewable sources.
We are aware of our responsibility and committed to reducing our emissions and the environmental impact of our work. We also foster the creation of new ideas and business models to offer our clients and users innovative solutions with a smaller footprint.
Water Footprint
We are making a considerable contribution to making our water footprint positive, as both purification and water treatment activities entail improving water quality; that’s why we are a leader in efficient water use and management.
We are committed to providing services and infrastructures that respond to challenges such as climate change in order to create long-term value; our commitment to reducing emissions translates into improving our energy performance.
Efficiency in energy usage is a priority for production centers, but it is also a source of innovation and developing solutions that we then offer to our clients.
Improving our performance in energy is done through an action plan designed by reducing the emissions of our work, as we are aware of our contribution to climate change.
The requirements derived from the System are the best guarantee that we can offer Clients, Administration, and the Company regarding our commitment to sustainable evolution.
Health and Safety
Our main goal is preserving the Health and Safety of workers and contractors. It is vital that we all make it home. The Target “0” Accidents initiative is part of our company culture and is reflected in the Occupational Risk Prevention Policy.
We have an In-House Employee Safety Department as a “Joint Prevention Service,” in accordance with Article 21 of Royal Decree 39/1997, on Prevention Services.
As of November 2002, we periodically submit our Occupational Hazard Prevention System to Regulatory External Audit in accordance with the legal requirements established in Law 31/1995 on the prevention of occupational hazards, surpassing all of the requirements established by current regulations, as reflected by the corresponding certificate issued by INPREMED Ingeniería y Prevención del Mediterráneo, S.L, and an accredited company under the relevant work authority.
In April 2008, we also obtained certification with SGS ICS Ibérica S.A., a company accredited by the relevant work authority per the OHSAS 18.001 standard and successfully renewing it on April 8, 2017, as shown by the certificate issued by the SGS company and which is in effect until April 8, 2020. This Certification of the Companies’ Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems allows the Organizations to monitor their occupational hazards and establish continual improvement in their performance in terms of Occupational Health and Safety.
System Certifications