Indiana Toll Road, IN

Norwest Indiana, USA

  • $

    Value Contract

  • 24

    Bridges Reconstructed

The project scope included reconstruction of two interchanges and 24 bridges and rehabilitation of existing structures including deck, steel beams, and concrete substructures. We also carried out the civil works for the installation of IT and toll collection systems.

The Indiana Toll Road (ITR), built in 1956, is an east-west link that stretches 157 miles across the northernmost part of Indiana. The ITR is a four-lane, divided, limited-access toll road heavily travelled by trucks. As part of the 75 year concession agreement, 6.2 miles of the existing ITR were widened from four to six lanes. Ferrovial Construction was the lead contractor responsible for design and construction of the six-mile widening under a lump-sum, fixedprice and fixed-schedule.

We led the civil works for the installation of IT and toll collection systems. The project also involved 565,000 tons of hot-mix asphalt and 1.0M cubic yards of earthwork.