1. Ferrovial
  2. Investors

UBS Limited announces that it will proceed to place a maximum package of up to 3.46% of the share capital de Ferrovial, S.A. with qualified investors.

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Published on 01/15/2016

Block trades

To: the Spanish Securities Market Commission (CNMV), 13 January 2016
Subject: Sale of stake in Ferrovial, S.A.


UBS Limited wishes to notify, pursuant to article 228 of the Legislative Royal Decree 4/2015, of the 23rd of October, which approved the consolidated text of the Securities Market Act, that it will proceed to place a maximum package of up to 25,323,304 shares in the company Ferrovial, S.A. (“Ferrovial”) with qualified investors.

This package is the property of Siemprelara, S.L. and represents approximately 3.46% of the share capital of Ferrovial S.A.

The sale will take place under the modality of “Accelerated Book Building” and it is envisaged that the duration shall not exceed one day.

UBS Limited shall duly inform the market of the terms and conditions of the aforementioned sale, once it has taken place.

The sale price of the shares shall be determined once the demand prospection period for the accelerated book building process has concluded, and this will be notified as a filing of price-sensitive information.

Yours faithfully,

UBS Limited











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