Translation Management

We continue to make progress with our Supply Chain in applying sustainability criteria through incorporating tools and developing procedures as well as fostering innovation to make our purchases more sustainable.

We require our collaborators to comply with the Supplier Code of Ethics in order to ensure that the supply chain complies with our environmental commitment among other aspects. It is aligned with and complements other corporate policies, especially the Code of Business Ethics, corporate responsibility, quality and environment, human rights and anti-corruption policies, as well as the Supplier Ethical Integrity Due Diligence Procedure.

We undertake innovation projects and apply new technologies to achieve a more agile, efficient and transparent supply chain, which in turn enables us to gradually incorporate sustainable procurement, thus extending sustainability principles to the entire value chain.

Over the last year, the information available in the Green Purchasing Catalog has continued to be updated and increased with the aim of promoting the purchase of these types of sustainable products. For example, in the Services business in Spain, 65% of cleaning products are already Ecolabelled. In Construction, alternatives for the supply of green products have been incorporated and are made available to clients in both the contracting and execution phases.

Recycled Building Materials

Building Material2023 Total Weight Used 2023 Recycled and/or reused
Wood11,023 m387%
Steel121,552 t85%
Concrete5,338,501 t7%
Aggregates9,187,753 t50%
Asphalt782,783 t39%
Cement148,874 t24%

Certified Wood

Certification System/StandardPercentage of wood purchases
FSC (Forest Stewardship Council)39%
SFI (Sustainable Forestry Initiative), CSA (Canadian Standards Association), PEFC (Program for the Endorsement of Forest Certification schemes)10%
Other (Timber of guaranteed origin)51%