For the 22nd consecutive year, we are part of the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI), the prestigious sustainability index prepared by the RobecoSAM agency.

The Dow Jones Sustainability Index

Created in 1999, the family of Dow Jones sustainability indices has become the main global reference to certify the responsibility of companies. it is part of the family of S&P Dow Jones Indices along with other reference classifications such as the S&P 500 and the Dow Jones Industrial Average. It was also the first index to score companies around the world on their sustainability.

Approximately 2,500 companies (although the number varies with each edition) are eligible to be a part of this global index. Of those, only 10% have recently become part of the Dow Jones Sustainability Index and an even lower percentage leads each sector.

In order to prepare the index, the RobecoSAM agency applies its own method, the SAM Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA), with which it evaluates environmental, sustainability and good governance policies for each company. Using the CSA, they currently analyze 1,000 data points, after which the company receives a final score. The top-scoring 10% are reflected in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index.

Ferrovial and the DJSI

We have been a part of that 10% since the 2002 edition of the DJSI. In 2019, we led the construction and engineering sector with the highest score, ahead of three other global companies. Our position at the top of the Dow Jones Sustainability Index attests to our solid environmental, social and economic performance.

On this occasion, the index highlights our environmental performance, in which we have obtained the highest score in the sector and the maximum score for the parameters of materiality, ecological efficiency and climate strategy.

In addition to the DJSI, we are part of other indices that attest to our corporate responsibility policies and our commitment to the environment, good governance and social development. Since 2005, we have been part of the FTSE4Good and since 2008, we have been included in its Spanish version (the FTSE4Good IBEX). We have also been part of the CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project) since 2009, the STOXX since 2010 and the MSCI since 2014.