Corporate Social Responsibility

Companies play an important role not only economically, but also socially and environmentally. It is increasingly common to find brands that are involved in defining and upholding their company’s values beyond their commercial activity. This is known as Corporate Social Responsibility, and it’s changing the relationships between companies and society.

What is corporate social responsibility?

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is the way that companies get involved in aspects concerning society. This includes all the activities that favor their interaction with the environment where they operate.

For instance, social issues range from fair trade to stable contracts for workers or breaking glass ceilings; in terms of environment, there’s more responsible energy use, reducing the carbon footprint, or promoting sustainable mobility among employees.

How is CSR promoted at the company?

Companies align their ethical activity with overarching issues like the environment, employment, or integration through the Strategic Corporate Responsibility Plan.

With its long-term vision, common goals, and social acceptance, CSR activity has for years been aimed at values that coincide with the Sustainable Development Goals. These show the way.

What CSR is each company oriented around?

Each company usually addresses more than one sector, goal, or objective in its CSR policy. Generally, brands focus on aspects closest to their activity. As such, here at Ferrovial it’s common to find CSR projects focusing on topics related to bringing water infrastructure to places without it, for instance. Others are also being pursued, such as:

  • committing to decarbonization of the activity;
  • promoting circular economy;
  • protecting biodiversity;
  • innovating in sustainability and social projects;
  • encouraging the opportunity to have opportunities;
  • ensuring healthy work environments;
  • giving local talent space;
  • improving business ethics, etc.