Since 1952, we have built more than 5400 kms of new rail lines in Spain, Mexico, United Kingdom and the United States.

About 1110 kms of these High-Speed Railway Lines, 975 kms are located in Spain, 35 kms in the United States and 100 kms in the United Kingdom.

High-Speed Railway Lines

The most relevant high-speed corridors that we have carried out are the following:

  • Madrid – Andalucia (Seville and Malaga): 160 kilometers.
  • Madrid – Zaragoza – Barcelona – French border:237 kilometers.
  • Madrid – Northeast (Segovia, Valladolid, Galicia, Basque Country and Asturias): 212.5 kilometers.
  • Madrid – Levante (Valencia, Murcia y Almeria): 290 kilometers.
  • Madrid – Extremadura (Caceres, Merida, Badajoz): 76 kilometers.
  • High Speed Railway California (Los Angeles – San Francisco, stretch Wasco – Shafter): 35 kilometers.
  • High Speed Railway London – Birmingham (central stretch): 100 kilometers.

We are a reference company in rail assembly, with a total of 1785 kms of plain rails over ballast and plated rails. We have also built: 25 stations, 3 assembly points and 3 technical maintenance centers (CTT).