Ribbon Cutting of I-66’s Express Lanes in Northern Virginia

Along with the Virginia Department of Transportation, we have hosted the grand opening of the full 22.5 mile I-66’s express lanes at a ribbon cutting ceremony in Northern Virginia, just outside Washington D.C.

America’s largest surface transportation public-private partnership to date

Cintra is a member of the I-66 Express Mobility Partners consortium, along with Meridiam and APG. Together, we are investing more than $3.7 billion in Virginia’s infrastructure over the life of this project. This includes the $2.3 billion project construction, a $579 million upfront concession fee to the Commonwealth to fund additional improvement projects in the corridor, $800 million to expand transit service in the corridor and $350 million for other projects to improve the I-66 corridor for 50 years.

The design-build contractor for the project is FAM Construction, a joint venture between Ferrovial Construction and Allan Myers, VA.

Opening Event of the I-66’s Express Lanes

The event highlighted how the Transform 66 Outside the Beltway project, the largest public-private partnership infrastructure project in the U.S. this century, has transformed a highly congested corridor into a modern, mutli-modal, sustainable, technology-forward highway.

This project is extremely significant to Ferrovial. It is an example of what we can accomplish when the public and private sectors work together. 

Rafael del Pino, Chairman of Ferrovial


I-66 Outside the Beltway, VA

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