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Walnut Creek WWTP Tertiary Filter Rehab, TX

Austin, Texas

  • $


  • 2020


PLW Waterworks is rehabilitating the tertiary filters at the Walnut Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant in Austin, Texas.

The scope of this project includes complete rehabilitation of Filters 1 through 4, replacement of underdrains, media, troughs, all filter influent valves, effluent valves, effluent meters and associated piping. The team will also replace troughs and media in Filters 5 through 10 and construct a new Southside Clearwell and a new Northwest Clearwell. The Walnut Creek team will also complete installation of two new centrifugal blowers in a new blower building, two new backwash pumps, non-potable water pumps, and related improvements to filter system electrical, instrumentation and controls systems.

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