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Wondo: The right transport whenever you need it

Madrid, Spain

FAQ’s Wondo

Wondo is an application that combines different urban mobility services such as carsharing, motosharing, taxi, public transport and electric bike which you can use to get to the office or any other place in a more efficient way.

Wondo was born at Ferrovial with the goal of facilitating people to move in a more flexible and effective way, which additionally will reduce the environmental impact caused by their displacements.

To do this, Wondo offers different mobility operators such as Zity, Cooltra, taxi, Bicimad or EMT bus inside the application, that allows you to reserve, use and pay rides by taxi, electric scooter or car, bus… at any time you need and without having to download many different applications.

Moreover, by using Wondo you benefit from exclusive discounts in different transport options available in the application. So not only you will reduce pollution emissions but will also save costs.

How it works

  • Download the application for free and register. If your company still doesn’t provide Wondo services, request it by writing an email to contacto@wondo.es
  • Choose the transport option that best suits your needs: request a taxi, rent an electric car or scooter or take a bus. You can choose to move by one transport or to combine several ones.
  • Pay inside the application your rides by taxi, electric scooter or car and your bus tickets, saving thanks to the available discounts.

Reduce the carbon footprint

To be sustainable it’s no longer an option but an obligation with society. Wondo offers you a solution to include a more sustainable mobility to your routines, reducing the carbon footprint of your displacements by moving with electric vehicles or public transport.

Become an example in environmental care, enjoying an easy, comfortable and respectful mobility.

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