Ferrovial La ingeniería civil como arte: creatividad e innovación
  1. Ferrovial
  2. Jose Manuel Ballester

Energy Infrastructure

The energy transition demands a conscious way of producing resources, in which renewables raise above other energy sources to ensure sustainable growth.

The monumental metallic lattices that are hidden between mountains, while their tunnels go through the earth, are the future of an energy production system that can contribute to the sustainable development of communities.

In Chile, the Los Cóndores hydroelectric plant can supply energy to more than 80,000 homes. In Portugal, the Daivões dam on the Támega River has the capacity to convert the energy from the water waters into a battery that supplies electricity to more than half a million people.

Find out more the energy infrastructure projects

See all the projects D4-R7, Bratislava (Slovakia)

D4-R7, Bratislava (Slovakia)

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Presa Tamega, Daivoes (Portugal)

Presa Tamega, Daivoes (Portugal)

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Central de Los Cóndores, Chile

Central de Los Cóndores, Chile

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