
  1. Ferrovial
  2. Ferrovial Energy

What we do?

We’re promoting the transition towards a sustainable, clean, cutting-edge economy in energy.

We provide innovative solutions for the promotion, construction, and operation of energy generation and transmission infrastructures. In turn, we provide energy efficiency solutions for both public and private clients.

How do we work?

We’re moving forward with the emission reduction objective established in the company’s “Horizon 24″ strategic plan, as well as compliance with the Sustainable Development Goals through four major areas.

  • Energy infrastructures. Generating electricity from renewable sources is an essential partner in fighting climate change; it requires strengthening the capacities of the electricity system as a whole. In this context, Ferrovial will promote and build projects aimed at developing infrastructures for renewable electricity generation, as well as its storage and transmission. Ferrovial will participate in all phases of developing these types of projects, from identifying opportunities to their development, financing, construction, and ultimately, their operation.
  • Circular economy. As we’re committed to continual innovation in environmental sustainability, Ferrovial operates infrastructures for the recycling, composting, and energy use of municipal solid waste.
  • Other businesses. These are related to public and private infrastructure services activities in the United Kingdom and Chile; Ferrovial intends to divest from these.

Our Projects

Renewable energy infrastructures

  • Construction of the Elena photovoltaic plant (Antofagasta, Chile). Electrical facility and interconnection of a 540 MW photovoltaic plant.
  • Cabo Leonés Wind Farm (Antofagasta, Chile). Plant balance 175 MW.
  • Acquisition of Solar Park (Seville, Spain). Development, construction, and maintenance of the 50 MW wind farm.
  • San Lorenzo Wind Farm (Valladolid, Spain). Plant balance 66 MW.


Energy Infrastructure Company


Driving the energy transition


  • BH2C. Basque hydrogen corridor
  • H2 Port of Huelva
  • Construction of an industrial plant for the methanization of biogas (Tarrasa, Spain)

Electrical transmission

  • El Berrocal: The photovoltaic solar plant “El Berrocal Solar PV”, with a peak power of 49.9 MW, is located in the municipality of Gerena (Seville). It has an estimated annual production of 104.2 GWh, equivalent to the approximate annual consumption of 29,800 homes, avoiding the emission of 16,672 tons of CO2 into the atmosphere. See complete El Berrocal project file here.
  • Tanschile: We own, operate and maintain a transmission line in southern Chile, in the Bío-Bío and Araucanía regions. It is a 220kV double circuit line, 204 kilometers long and with a transmission capacity of 500 MVA per circuit. Under the control of Chile’s National Transmission System, the line serves more than 300,000 homes in the south of the country.
  • Centella: In July 2018, we were awarded 100% of a concession to build and operate a 256-kilometer 220kV double-circuit 220kV transmission line located in the Coquimbo region, north of Santiago, Chile, with a nominal capacity of 580 MVA per circuit. In addition, the project includes the construction of the new Centella substation in the town of Salamanca.
  • Tap Mauro: In February 2020, we were awarded the rights for the construction, operation and maintenance of a four-circuit transmission line. This new asset has an extension of 3 km per circuit and allows the connection of the Los Piuquenes-Tap Mauro transmission line and the new electrical substation under construction, Centella, located in the Coquimbo Region, north of Santiago.

Waste treatment

  • Isle of Wight (United Kingdom). Isle of Wight waste collection and treatment for 25 years. The project reaches a value of €306 million.
  • Waterbeach (Cambridge, United Kingdom). A five-year contract with the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Waste Association (RECAP) to process recyclable materials.
  • Milton Keynes (United Kingdom). Contract for the design, construction, and management of the waste treatment plant. At the plant, organic waste is separated and processed in an anaerobic digester to generate renewable energy and obtain a material similar to compost.
  • Allerton (North Yorkshire, United Kingdom). The facility makes it possible to transform 320,000 tons of waste from residents in North Yorkshire and York into energy capable of supplying more than 60,000 homes annually.

Our activity

Energy Transmission

We’re promoting the transition towards a sustainable, clean, cutting-edge economy.

Energy Generation

Sustainable solutions through the operation of renewable assets.

Energy Infrastructure

Maintenance and installation of equipment for electricity generation and distribution.

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