Who Are We?

We have been designing, supplying and constructing all types of facilities — from works in the residential sector to large solar thermal power plants — since 1997.

We offer the best technical solutions on the market that adapt to specific project requirements. We specialize in civil construction, construction, industrial construction, energy efficiency and renewable energies. 

Throughout our decades of experience, we have participated in pioneer projects such as: the building for the Petawatt laser at the Spanish Center for Pulsed Lasers (CLPU) in Salamanca and geothermal installations in nearly zero-energy buildings in Arroyo Bodonal.

Our History

The company Enacta S.A. was created in 1997 which, at the same time, brought about the creation of two new companies in 1999: Ferrovial Servicios and Ferroconservación S.A. (called Ferconsa since 2000). This way, an installation-oriented company was brought to life, separate from Ferrovial Servicios and from our civil construction subsidiaries. In 2013, we added “Instalaciones” to our name.

Our first projects were for large telecommunications companies. With the arrival of dot-com companies, this type of infrastructure was becoming critical, and we worked on installations for ONO and Uni2.

We also opened a business channel in franchise business installations. We have been in charge of installations for brands such as: Repsol, Caja Madrid, Telefónica, Amena, Correos and Pans&Company, among other public and private clients.

2010 was a big year for us. We focused our portfolio on energy rehabilitation. In 2012, our commitment to energy efficiency lead us to create Prende, a platform to raise awareness about the environment and provide the general public with affordable and viable solutions.