Our Commitment to Sustainability

Sustainability is a key aspect in our activities and the reason why we are committed to reducing the environmental impact of our actions, prioritizing the security of persons, contributing to a sustainable development of society, and using innovation as a fundamental instrument for productivity and competitiveness.

Committed to the Environment

From innovative design solutions at the outset of a project, to employing the greenest technologies to carry out the construction stages, our primary goal is to minimize waste and create long-term value for our clients as well as our planet.

We ensure our suppliers and collaborators work in accordance with our Environmental Management System which follows the principles of Standard AS/NZS ISO 14001.

Our environmental policies focus on the compliance with the Sustainable Development Goals set by the United Nations. For this reason, in 2019 we managed to achieve a 54% reduction in CO2eq/M€ emissions.

Committed to Health & Safety

We operate within a Health and Safety Management System that is accredited to the requirements of the Australian Government Office of the Federal Safety Commissioner (OFSC) and is independently certified to International Standard OHSAS 18001 and Australian Standard AS/NZS 4801.

We leverage the wealth of knowledge and experience of our partners operating globally to embed best practices in health and safety locally. We relentlessly challenge the status quo and seek to continually improve our practices, behaviors, and performance.

We plan for zero harm by assessing and managing risk at every stage of each project and work activity we carry. Our employees are empowered to be safety leaders and care for all the people involved in the project, without being compromised by other business requirements. 

Committed to Community Investment

As active members of the Australia and New Zealand construction and engineering industry, we believe it is our responsibility to be active members in the resolution of the most pressing social issues in the environments in which we operate.

Our projects make a long-term contribution to infrastructure, the public and our client by ensuring that each has a legacy spanning far beyond the initial construction period. We achieve this by engaging with local government and private agencies to identify the key local issues of each project and choose the most appropriate course of action for playing our part in resolving them.

Our collaboration with local organizations, group companies, industry members, clients and JV partners is a key factor in our approach to sustainability, as it ensures that the impact for stakeholders is as positive, effective and as durable as possible.

Commited to Quality

Meeting or exceeding our customers’ needs and expectations is one of our fundamental values. For this reason, we operate within a Quality Management System that is independently certified to International Standard ISO 9001.

Our systems are continually tested and improved to meet evolving needs and best practices that benefit both our customers and our business. We work closely with our clients to continually understand and deliver solutions based on their requirements. We firmly believe that by consistently providing attentive customer service and high-quality projects, we will continue to grow a profitable, sustainable business and maintain the strong backing of our shareholders.

Our employees are skilled and have the adequate capabilities, motivation and training to consistently deliver high-quality work and innovative, value-adding solutions. We consider our suppliers and subcontractors as partners and work collaboratively and creatively with our design consultants, suppliers and subcontractors to achieve a mutual benefit.

In 2016 we obtained the Quality International Standard 9001:2015, which provides value-added results and continual improvement to our systems through leadership, risk and opportunities based thinking.