Each project and asset is legally independent and has its own managers.
How Do We Add Value?
Our Business Model for Value Creation
Our competitive advantage is based on the direct, active and efficient management of our multiple projects in their different phases, allowing us to optimize infrastructure use and provide our stakeholders with the maximum value by gradually reducing or eliminating any potential risks.
A Unique Asset Portfolio
We have a portfolio of complex assets that generate unique information about all aspects of the business, such as operation ratios, user preferences, and so on. This information is systematically extracted and analyzed using techniques like big data to improve the operational aspects of current concessions and bid for new projects.
Our Three Keys for Value Creation
- De-Risking: De-risking consists of the progressive reduction of the discount rate applied to future estimated cash flows as risks are eliminated or reduced at each stage in the project life cycle (construction, ramp-up and maturation phase). De-risking is the main source of value creation in our assets.
- Rolling Forward: The progressive increase in value as we advance through the concession period and approach the bulk of cash flows, which are concentrated at the end of the concession period.
- Operation: We are a premium operator focused on getting the most value out of assets and developing new competitive advantages which allow us to maintain a high level of success in tenders. Our expertise in operating a uniquely complex asset portfolio allows us to fulfill our contractual obligations at an optimal cost while increasing revenues from our contractual rights.

Know How
Always at the forefront in the development of new business solutions using highly specialized teams.
We are experts in analyzing traffic and big data to offer our users the best quality service. We have an internal project financing team capable of obtaining some of the most pioneering and efficient financing in the world. We also have a highly experienced in-house analysis team that identifies the ideal combination of business outcomes to maximize the competitiveness of our bids. We are proud to have one of the most experienced and skilled development teams in the sector.
Trust: The Key to Our Relationship with Partners and Administrations
Our goal is to provide security and certainty for all the people and communities involved throughout the development process of all our projects.
We manage all stages of a private-public partnership (P3) project in a direct and active way thanks to the experience of our diverse and complex portfolio.
In the previous stages of any project, we work proactively with government entities by offering them a unique experience in the search of solutions that will help optimize the use of the infrastructure and maximize its value. This approach guarantees the quality of our projects and their implementation timeframes, as well as supporting a long-term investment strategy.
We establish long-term relationships with partners who share our vision of the business. Therefore, for each project we select those who can match their risk profile and bring the most competitive edge to the partnership.
Our partners value our capacity to identify and reduce the various risks in any project we carry to guarantee a proper management of the concession.