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Challenge by Cintra

An opportunity to gain experience at an international company, gain confidence and network with other new trainees with similar interests and goals.

This is Challenge by Cintra. This trainee program, which has happened eight times, offers positions every year in countries like the United States and Spain.

Cintra’s paid trainee program is designed for recent graduates with a degree in law, engineering, data science, mathematics, human resources, economics and business administration. Selected candidates will have the chance to work together in an international environment.

Find Out more About Challenge by Cintra

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I would recommend other graduates to be prepared to work on challenging, interesting and very complex projects, which will make them learn and grow personally and professionally

Anna Grassot

US Toll road division


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The success of Ferrovial is based on the quality of its human capital. The main values that people at this organization have are proactivity, ability to collaborate and work with others, and unselfishness, complemented with involvement, hardworking ethic and desire to learn every day

Miguel Ángel García

Toll Road division, Madrid

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