In July 2013, Ferrovial Construction (Australia) was awarded the contract with the New South Wales Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) to upgrade 4.2 km of the Nelson Bay Road to dual carriageway between Bobs Farm and Anna Bay. It involved reconstructing the existing carriageway and constructing a second one.
Nelson Bay Road is a State Road and the main arterial link connecting Newcastle to Williamtown and the Tomaree Peninsula. It carries a large volume of local and tourist traffic visiting the Nelson Bay area as the only route servicing the Tomaree Peninsula and the various townships between Newcastle and Nelson Bay.
Key Features:
Construction of a second carriage way between Cromarty Lane and Port Stephens Drive roundabout at Anna Bay
Reconstruction the existing carriageway
Landscaped median to separate oncoming traffic
Ten upgraded bus bays
New u-turn facilities to provide safe access to properties along the route
Local communities and visitors now benefit from the improvements to safety for motorists, cyclists and pedestrians; better bays for bus passengers; reduction in traffic delays and more reliable travel times for motorists using this section of Nelson Bay Road.
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