1. Ferrovial
  2. Sustainability
  3. Committed to Society
  4. Customer and User Experience
  5. Certifications

ISO 9001 and 14001

Our customers and users are the center of everything we do. As established in our Quality and Environment Policy, our aim is to provide them with the best experience when using our infrastructures and services.

That is why we maintain our strong commitment to quality and the environment. All our business areas have quality and environmental systems in place.

In the vast majority of cases, these systems are certified according to ISO 9001 14001 and by the main accredited certification companies, including AENOR(Spanish Association for Standardization and Certification), SGSBVQi (Bureau Veritas Quality International) BSI Group and DNV.

To understand the scope of certification of the systems in each division and in the whole group, we have been calculating the Percentage of Certified Activity since 2008. The calculation method is based on accounting for the activities that are certified under a quality or environmental system, and takes into account the number of projects of each activity.

In 2023, the percentage of certified activity in quality and environment under the ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 standards was, in both cases, 86%.

Learn more about quality management

Some of our certifications

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